How To Spot Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are incredibly small and can fit into cracks as thin as a penny. This makes bed bugs hard to find in the home, and can make bed bug control difficult. Here are some quick tips to see where be...

Free Estimate

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Please fill out the form below and a representative from Econ-O-Bug will be in touch as soon as possible. [/vc_column_text][vc_icon icon_fontawesome="fa fa-angle-...

Mice Vs. Rats

Ever wondered what the difference was between mice and rats? Most will state the obvious - rats are bigger than mice. In fact, rats are typically 5 to 10 times bigger than mice. Although they are both...

Restaurant Pest Control Tips

Even the most impeccably clean restaurants can become infested with pests quickly. Pests like cockroaches, rodents, and ants may find their way into your establishment. To treat a pest infestation, yo...

Remove Stinging Insects

If you have any kind of stinging pests on your property, it is best to get them removed as quickly as possible. Hiring a local Columbia SC pest company like Econ-O-Bug Pest Control can get rid of the ...

Kitchen Nightmares: Mice

The kitchen is usually a central hub in most homes. For most of us, the kitchen is not only a place where we prepare and eat food but also entertain our friends and family. So finding a mouse in your ...

10 Facts About Flies

Flies can be an annoyance to anyone with their constant buzzing around. For businesses, especially in the food and pharmaceutical industries, they can be a huge concern due to their impact on consumer...


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How To Get Rid Of Mice

Getting rid of mice can be tricky, especially if you allow the problem to go on for too long. Mice breed at an alarming rate, so it is best to tackle this problem as soon as possible. The first ste...


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